How to Book a Free Cruise Through a Voucher From Blue Green

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Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: July 9, 2022

Stay far away from Bluegreen Vacation Timeshares. We were approached shopping at Bass Pro Shop in 2020. They offered us a 3-day getaway to Bluegreen's Club 36 in Las Vegas for $100 just to attend a 30–45-minute timeshare presentation. July 2021, we took our free vacation and attended the sales presentation. The sales staff described to us all the bogus benefits and advantages to owning a timeshare with Bluegreen Vacations. They even told us we were making an investment for our entire family. They also said we would have exclusive and private use of the resort and save a lot of money of future vacations. Reluctantly we chose the minimum points to try out. BIG MISTAKE.

After we returned home Bluegreen's sales staff would not stop calling us to upgrade our points. They explained to us that if we did not upgrade our original points we purchased, we would lose the original points value… HOW COULD THAT BE, WE JUST PURCHASED!!! That's when we started to question everything. SO many things were misrepresented. Using phony sales tactics, they mislead us into signing contracts that will burden our family/children for years. Don't fall into the same trap we did and stay away from anyone representing Bluegreen Vacation Timeshares.

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Rated with 4 stars

Verified Reviewer

Original review: July 9, 2022

I guess anyone that posts here only complain and not enough people add the good experiences so here is mine: I took one of these offers from Cabela's, I upgraded my stay to the resort in Vegas, and had a great time. The resort was nice, I liked being off the strip, and worth way more than the 300 I paid. My presentation was low pressure and was just a hair over 2h but basically as promised. Some people stayed behind longer to buy I guess but I left with all the info I need to consider it later. I think it's a great product but It just wasn't for me to purchase into at this time. I had a great sales person who definitely was persistent but that's just sales and it was not in a rude way. I walked in KNOWING they would try to sell me something so I'm not mad that they attempted to.

When I got home I went back to the Cabela's to see if they were hiring even because sure while I'm not a customer of the product yet, I definitely believe in it and like how they went about it. It's safe to assume every sales location and every sales person is going to be slightly different. I expected Vegas to be much more aggressive but they even said "we know not even half of you may buy from us, we just want you to give us a open ear and a opportunity", so I gave them that and left satisfied. I guess just take everything with a grain of salt and remember for every bad review on here are 100 decent ones that never got posted and probably at-least 10 amazing ones that again, never got talked about.

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Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer Verified Buyer

Original review: July 8, 2022

DO NOT GIVE BLUEGREEN YOUR BUSINESS!!! They told me the presentation would last 1 hour. IT LASTED 5 HOURS. The sales rep made us feel dense if we did not buy the timeshare. They lied about many things to get us to sign the contract. Bluegreen told me they had properties in Disney World but that does not seem to be the case. They also lied about and glossed over many things we were signing for in the contract. DO they expect the average person to take time out of their vacation to read a contract, let alone know all the legal jargon used in it???

They should be able to read the contract to their clients clearly and truthfully, especially when it comes to the extremely high fees lasting your whole life. We should know what we're getting ourselves into. When I was signing the contract, they had me sign off on a fill-in-the-blank question. They said they would fill this out afterwards. I realized it was asking if they verbally made commitments or promises, which they did. They put "none". The whole sales pitch was filled with verbal promises. This is an ILLEGAL ACT OF MODIFICATION TO MY CONTRACT and should make my contract null and void. Yet, they refuse to release me from my contract and continue to send me bills.

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Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: July 7, 2022

**WARNING** Bluegreen Timeshare Vacations is a scam! They will lie and deceive you solely to take your money to enrich themselves. They will hold you hostage for 4 or 5 hours and with persistent tricks and methods to sway you mind into believing you are getting a great deal. They will brainwash you into believing your investing in your future when you are throwing money away and making them wealthy.

Don't be fooled by their fast-talking high-pressure salespeople. They will say anything to make you believe the timeshare is a good decision. Don't believe it!! We never agree to attend any sales presentations at Bluegreen Vacations anymore. We tried several times to make reservations with Bluegreen and they always had availability problems. They told us we were exclusive members, and we would get the best rooms. We tried to reserve rooms on several occasions without success. Not very exclusive.

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Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: July 6, 2022

Very disappointed!!! I had purchased a package and had to cancel due to a serious health issue. It was 10 days before and they charged me another $125 to cancel!!! The policy states 14 days. They already got $169 I won't get back for the original purchase plus now $125!!!! I will not reschedule with this company ever. $300 for nothing!!!!

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: July 4, 2022

We are so disappointed with Bluegreen Vacations to say the least. They have repeatedly lied and manipulated us. We were stuck in this presentation that they claimed to be 90 minutes. We were there for over 4 hours and only offered us water ONCE. Our three children were stuck there with us too, and we felt horrible they had to sit through that with us. They were pressuring us for HOURS telling us this was the ultimate vacation package that would fit all our needs. It is not. We were also told there was a buyback program in case we wanted to sell our timeshare back. This was ANOTHER BROKEN PROMISE!!! We soon discovered they never had a buyback program like the salesman had claimed. Their sales and finance people are despicable!

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: July 3, 2022

My husband and I were subjected to hours of abuse by rude salespeople and then tricked into purchasing a timeshare through false advertising. We were offered a free stay at Bluegreen Vacations in San Antonio, Texas by a man who was pestering us for several minutes offering various traveling promotions. He claimed if we stayed in this resort, we would have to attend a resort presentation. We attended this meeting which had lasted nearly FOUR HOURS.

We refused their offers and asked if we can leave. They claimed if we had left, we would not have access to these deals ever again and they threatened that we would be financially responsible for our "free" stay. We ended up giving in because they claimed they were family friendly. How can they be family friendly when we are finding it nearly impossible for them to accommodate our family? In fact, we haven't been able to find ANY availability that would fit our needs. We have had enough with Bluegreen Vacations.

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Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: July 3, 2022

Scam, scam, scam!!! While shopping at Cabelas, we were approached by a representative from Bluegreen Vacations with a deal for a "timeshare preview package." We were offered a $250 4-day/3-night vacation in Pigeon Forge, TN with standard hotel room accommodations at County Cascades for 4 people, which also included a $50 Cabelas gift card and $200 entertainment gift card to be used at our vacation destination, as long as we attended a 2-hour timeshare presentation.

We explained that we have a family of 5 (which includes 3 teenagers), but were assured that we could upgrade to larger accommodations, so we bought the package and I called Bluegreen the next day and upgraded us to a 2 bedroom deluxe cabin at Eagles Ridge Resort, which cost an additional $860. On the day of our arrival, we were about 2 hours away from the check-in location, but 4 hours early, so I called Bluegreen to ask if we could check in early. They provided me with a phone number to what I assumed would be Eagles Ridge, but was shocked when it turned out to be Country Cascades.

As it turned out, the Bluegreen representative who "booked" my vacation waited almost a week before submitting my request and there was "no availability" at Eagles Ridge by that point, so they took it upon themselves to downgrade us to Country Cascades in a standard hotel room with 2 double beds and a sleeper sofa without ever contacting me to ask if that would be okay, which it most certainly was NOT. We were livid and I demanded to know what made them think it was acceptable to change our reservation without my approval, especially considering we had paid over $800 to upgrade and needed the extra room that the cabin provided. Instead, they expected us to be okay with being crammed into a tiny hotel room like sardines in a can for a week, while still KEEPING the extra money we had paid! They tried giving me every excuse in the book, but I was not having it.

I demanded a full refund, including the original $250 that we had paid, which they eventually agreed to. I called Eagles Ridge directly and was surprised to find out that they had an even nicer, bigger cabin available, so I booked it immediately for $740, which was $370 CHEAPER than what we would have paid through Bluegreen Vacations, AND we didn't need to sit through a pressure filled timeshare sales presentation (which I've read plenty of horror stories about since getting home).

Thankfully our vacation wasn't ruined, but it would have been if Bluegreen Vacations had gotten away with their bait and switch scam. Do yourselves a favor and stay FAR AWAY from the Bluegreen Vacation representatives at Cabelas (or Bass Pro Shops, depending on where you live). They should be ashamed of themselves for partnering with such a shady company. Side note, Eagles Ridge is only a "contracted partner resort" with Bluegreen Vacations, they are not owned by them, and Bluegreen only reserves a handful of cabins with them, so I don't consider this any fault of Eagles Ridge. They were an excellent resort and worked hard to salvage our vacation for us. We would definitely stay there again, we'd just book directly through them.

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Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: June 25, 2022

The sales tactics from Bluegreen are aggressive and they couldn't care less about how many lies they tell. The sales rep gave us a false sense of urgency by making us think we were getting a once in a lifetime deal that no one else received, making us feel that "no" was out of the question. We unfortunately signed the contract with his trap of a timeshare. We were told there was some sort of buyback program if things don't work out. This was a lie. Their buy back program consists of selling the membership but not the points, meaning we would still have to pay. Maintenance fees was another issue we ran into. We were told our maintenance fees would not increase, but they did.

If the contract was read to us correctly, we would not be in this situation. The signing process was fast and hard to understand. The lady read over each page super-fast and only highlighted the main points from each page not going over any details. Do they expect us to know how to navigate and read their lengthy and confusing contract? It is their job to go over everything and disclose the correct information to the client. Instead, they fed us lie after lie and we are now stuck paying for as timeshare that provides no value or benefit.

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Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: June 25, 2022

The worst experience at Harbour Lights Resort Myrtle Beach SC ever.. I can promise you we will not return to this location again. Room was not ready at 4pm. Still they're blaming covid on everything. Their customer service was absolutely awful. Not having enough staff in house cleaning is not the customer's problem. We spent a lot of money on our timeshare. As a gold member everything that happened on our trip to harbor lights was unacceptable. I wouldn't suggest anyone staying at that resort until they get more organized and have people friendly staff. Such an awful experience for my family. I bragged to my kids how awesome harbor lights was. What an embarrassment. Never again.


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